Sleeping and Chiropractic
One of the many differences that patients notice when they start care at my office is that they have better quality of sleep and they feel more rested when they wake up.
The one thing I tell all of my patients after their initial treatment is that they may feel sleepy or tired during the rest of the day. If their schedule allows, I advise them to nap or at least go to bed earlier that evening.

I work to release physical and emotional stress patterns in my patient’s body. As the body is processing, releasing and healing, it is normal to feel sleepy. It is the body’s way of saying “I am in healing mode and I want to rest and sleep more so that I can repair more readily”.
Sleep deprivation has been associated with premature aging, greater risk of dying, obesity, hypertension, diabetes, cognitive impairment, cardiovascular disease, and many psychiatric disorders.

Benefits of a Good Night’s Sleep
Better brain function
Better concentration level
Enhanced creativity
Better mood
Better immune system
Better sex life
Healthier heart
Improved quality of life
Metabolism works faster
Look more attractive

Optimizing your Sleep Sanctuary and
Tips to Sleep Well
Get adjusted regularly.
Sleep in complete darkness or as close to it as possible – use blackout drapes and/or a sleep mask. Complete darkness at night helps your body produce more melatonin (a supplement that helps you sleep better).
Get at least 30 minutes of sun exposure during the day to reset your circadian rhythm.
Keep the temperature in your bedroom no higher than 20 degrees Celsius.
Take a hot bath, shower or sauna before bed. This increases your core body temperature and when you get out of the bath it abruptly drops, sending a signal to your body that you are ready to sleep.
Alarm clocks should be at least three feet away from the bed. Avoid using a loud alarm to wake you, as it is very stressful on your body to be suddenly jolted awake.
Reserve your bed for sleeping and not for watching T.V. or doing work.
Consider separate bedrooms if your partner snores or is a restless sleeper. Earplugs may help if your partner snores.
You should get at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep per night.
Go to bed at the same time every evening, even on weekends.
Establish a bed time routine. This could include meditation, relaxation CDs, deep breathing or aromatherapy.
Do not drink fluids within 2 hours of going to bed.
Go to the bathroom right before bed.
Wear socks to bed if your feet are cold.
Put your work away at least one hour before bed.
Avoid listening or watching the late night news just before bed.
Journaling – writing down your thoughts or a to-do list helps to calm a racing mind.
Avoid caffeine for at least 4 hours prior to going to sleep.
Cut out alcohol. Although it makes you drowsy, it also keeps you from entering the deeper stages of sleep, where your body does most of its healing.
Regular exercise can improve sleep, but intense exercise should be performed at least 5 hours before bed.
Get rid of sleep distractions such as TV and computers in the bedroom.